Friday, 15 June 2012

Sucre - Where I am

Hello, I am in Sucre. It used to be Bolivia's capital. They had a street parade to celebrate me coming to their town. I was all "No, please, I am just a humble peasant", but they insisted.

I will buy a bowler hat soon enough!!!

 Turns out the Gobbledock® now has work in Bolivia.

 This wasn't part of the parade. The city is just so small and this guy had land either side of it to plough.

 This dude had a spider on his hat. He is the real spiderman. Hollywood can kiss his ass.

 This here be the miner's section.


Hello, this is Potosi. I think it is the highest city in the world. Over 4000 metres. I can't be bothered googling any of this. Google is probably much quicker where you are anyway. You can google my claims.

Two flags. The Bolivian flag is rasta colours, and the indigenous flag is a cuadratical progression of the rainbow. They are my friends because when I speak to them, I imagine they are rastafarian hippies who bake bread and share their lentils with me.

This lady harks back to the ancient days of folklore. She is the "Huarnachica", or the corn hat stealer. If she steals from you in the night, you will be covered in a pollen like yellow fluff, made from corn. Except you will not have your hat. I've lost three hats so far, but made many more delicious polenta based meals because of her kindness.

An architect I was with commented that this reflective part of this building is designed to shed light on the nicer building.

Super Jamon = Super Ham. Sounds like an over enthusiastic attention seeking super hero.  

Notice how there is no motorbike they are riding on? It is because to get a licence you have to pretend you have a motorbike and tackle traffic thusly for one month, with your child as the verbal logbook. 

Every day in Bolivia they celebrate a different animal. Today is the day of the owl!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Tupiza to Uyuni (Salt Flats)

Hello, I went to the planet where the documentary 'Star Wars'® was filmed. 
                                                        Here is where the sand people live.

A quick taster:

Distant llamas!

'Arbol de Piedra' Tree of Stone. Weathered to this shape by winds over 100kmph

The second flamingo from the left is not trying to fly, they're actuall playing leap frog. Did you know flamingos are pink because of a red algae they eat?

It is actually illegal for flamingos to fly, there are huge fines. The one on the left is being a dick.

Once in 2005 a tourist fed them blue M&Ms® and a whole flock of flamingos turned purple. For 3 years it was illegal to bring in blue M&Ms® into the country for this reason, until it was realised that the entire year of 2005 was just really cold here and flamingos turn purple instead of blue when they are supremely cold because of their pink pigment mixing with the blueness of near death.

Wild vicuñas.


Right next to these salt flats in seemingly desolate land, they grow quinoa. The truck in the background is sorting the plants into manageable portions.

The wind blows away the light unecessary stalks away while the heavier grains hit the ground. 

This man is carrying the stalks away. They are slowly burned to make an ash augmenter of the coca plant when chewed. 

This hotel was made of salt blocks. Cool fun!

This is an island in the middle of the salt flats. It is called "La Isla Incahuasi"  

  Facebook® should be sued by this company. Can you guess why? They make toilets, where shit goes. Just like Facebook®.

Salt crystal.

This is my Swedish friend August. His brother September is never far behind.  

This is a really huge bottle of hand sanitiser, I had to run ages back to make it look small.

In case you were wondering how this incredulous shots were made, here is an insight. 

It's a Small World